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Welcome To The Team.

Terra Firma is a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu team of white belt ruffians. This group was founded by brothers Hiram, Nabor, and Kareem Navarrete, along with long time friend Emmanuel Silva with the hopes and dreams of one day opening up there very own academy. This site is meant to keep track of "the brothers" and there team as they journey down the road of the smooth art. These boys don't know what's in store for them but there prepared to do whatever it takes to succeed and have fun along the way. So slap on that gi, tighten up your belt, and let's roll!!

Follow us on facebook, Twitter, & Youtube!!
Terra Firma BJJ
Terra Firma Youtube


Sep 2, 2011

BJJ Eden

By:  Hiram "Tortuga" Navarrete

So today on my bus ride to downtown Los Angeles, I met a very sweet older women handing out pamphlets concerning religion.  We chatted for a bit and we parted ways, but not before I managed to snag some literature.  I chose to read up on the fabled "Garden of Eden".  That fantastical garden where man was said to have lived in peace and perfect harmony.  Well it got me to thinking, is there a Brazilian jiu jitsu eden?  A "garden" for grapplers?  A paradise for guard players?  Where the mats are always clean, and our gi's are always crisp.  A space, where there are no distractions, no chaos of the outside world.  The mat is vast, and your mind is clear of all non-jits thoughts, while your body is free from all soreness and injury.  This is a place where mat burn is nonexistent, where people don't know the meaning of "spazzing out", and every student has his/her own personal black belt instructor.  Walking in you feast your eyes on an endless multitude of gi's, every hue and tone imaginable.  And you ask yourself if such a place can exist?  We may never find out, but in the meantime I'll continue to train, mat burn or not, and rest assured, if I ever find the fabled Jiu Jitsu Garden of Eden, you'll be the first to hear about it.

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