By: Hiram "Tortuga" Navarrete
Now I know that there are many of you out there that enjoy a brightly colored gi, or some nice patch work/embroidery, and that's fine (I enjoy the occasional romp through a tie dye kimono myself). And though some may think it's a good idea to bedazzle there gi (though personally I shudder just thinking of the outcome to that experiment) know that while your sprinkling your gi with designs and doodads, your also painting a rather large target on your back. As the old saying goes, "the nail that sticks out farthest, gets hammered hardest". There are some who favor a more traditional approach to the martial art, and may frown on contrast stitching, or camo pants. I'll be the first to say that it sounds judgmental, but everyone is entitled to there own opinion. Some see a tricked out or expensive gi as a sign of experience, which of course isn't always the case. I recall myself, as a fresh faced white belt (still a white belt btw just dirty faced with experience now) seeing a man wearing a blue gi and mistaking him for the instructor. Which just goes to show you that anyone, even a rough and tumble veteran like myself can be confused..right? Well it at least shows you that people will judge a book by it's cover, because the cover is all they can see. Those that mistake you for a high level grappler may just look to "take your head off" to prove there manly toughness.
It all sounds rather unfair, but that's just how some people are built. In no way is this post meant to discourage you pink and purple gi lovers out there, just to warn you of possible setbacks. Personally I hope to look into a future where white gi's, black gi's, blue gi's, purple, red, yellow, and even rainbow kimono's can all share a mat in this crazy world that we call Jiu Jitsu.
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